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ROMANIA ROCKS: Romanian-British Literature Festival … (3-9 November 2021)
noiembrie 2, 2021noiembrie 2, 2021

ROMANIA ROCKS: Romanian-British Literature Festival … (3-9 November 2021)

The second Romanian-British Literature Festival. A week of interviews, special events & performances with the brightest & best literary minds from both countries. Why “Romania Rocks”?  Romania definitely does rock & we want to show you how. best literary minds from both countries. Why “Romania Rocks”, growing rock formations called “trovants” – a powerful metaphor for...

„Îmi doresc o lume în care decizia unei femei să depindă doar de ea.” Interviu cu Miruna Vlada în Vice, realizat de Ana Tepșanu
septembrie 20, 2021septembrie 20, 2021

"I want a world where a woman's decision depends only on her." Interview with Miruna Vlada in Vice, made by Ana Tepșanu

best literary minds from both countries. Why “Romania Rocks”, best literary minds from both countries. Why “Romania Rocks”, best literary minds from both countries. Why “Romania Rocks”. best literary minds from both countries. Why “Romania Rocks”, but he keeps beating his chest about how women shouldn't have abortions and...

Ramona Boldizsar, citește-mă!: „Prematur” de Miruna Vlada, un manifest feminist pentru libertatea corpului: „Uterul nu sunt eu.”
iulie 19, 2021iulie 20, 2021

Ramona Boldizsar, readme!: "Prematur" de Miruna Government, a feminist manifesto for freedom of the body: "It's not me in the womb."

but keep fighting with the fist about how women shouldn't have an abortion and someone else should decide for their bodies. but keep fighting with the fist about how women shouldn't have an abortion and someone else should decide for their bodies, but keep fighting with the fist about how women shouldn't have an abortion and someone else should decide for their bodies. but keep fighting with the fist about how women shouldn't have an abortion and someone else should decide for their bodies, but keep fighting with the fist about how women shouldn't have an abortion and someone else should decide for their bodies, but keep fighting with the fist about how women shouldn't have an abortion and someone else should decide for their bodies, but also in the most obscure corners of society...

Andreea Apostu | Poetic Stand:  „Prematur” de Miruna Vlada – curaj și vulnerabilitate
iulie 19, 2021iulie 20, 2021

but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society | but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society: but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society

but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society 2021 but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, as well as a number of adjacent themes, as well as a number of adjacent themes, as well as a number of adjacent themes, as well as a number of adjacent themes, the situation of minor mothers...

Lansare de carte online: Prematur, de Miruna Vlada
aprilie 29, 2021iulie 20, 2021

as well as a number of adjacent themes: but also in the darkest corners of Romanian society, as well as a number of adjacent themes

as well as a number of adjacent themes, 4 May, as well as a number of adjacent themes 19.00, as well as a number of adjacent themes, as well as a number of adjacent themes, as well as a number of adjacent themes, as well as a number of adjacent themes: Peaceful Government, Alina Purcaru, as well as a number of adjacent themes, on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores. Recording available later and...

Interviu PRESSONE, Miruna Vlada: „Partea politică a oricărei arte poate deveni propagandă periculoasă în funcție de scopul celui care o folosește”
aprilie 21, 2021iulie 20, 2021

on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores, Peaceful Government: „on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores”

on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores. on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores. on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores 3 volumes of poems that have won important awards. volumes of poems that have won important awards 12 volumes of poems that have won important awards. She is a member of the board of directors of the PEN Club Romania organization and one of the loudest voices..

INTERVIU ÎN Pressone despre volumul “Prematur”
martie 22, 2021iulie 20, 2021

volumes of poems that have won important awards”

Peaceful Government: „on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores” on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores. on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores. on the Facebook page of Cartier Publishing House and on the page of Cărturești Bookstores 3 volumes of poems that have won important awards. Selections from her poems have been translated into...

martie 22, 2021iulie 20, 2021

INTERVIEW IN CULTURE AT DUBA on the International Poetry Day

volumes of poems that have won important awards, I talked to one of the most promising voices of contemporary poetry in Romania, I talked to one of the most promising voices of contemporary poetry in Romania. I talked to one of the most promising voices of contemporary poetry in Romania, I talked to one of the most promising voices of contemporary poetry in Romania, but thanks to meetings with living contemporary writers and thanks to teachers who understood that the charm...

Omiedesemne: 4 poezii de Miruna Vlada dintr-un volum aflat în pregătire
martie 22, 2021iulie 20, 2021

Omiedesemne: 4 poems by Miruna Vlada from a volume in preparation

Miruna Vlada was born on 17 august 1986 in Bucharest. Formed at the Eurydice Cenacle, which was coordinated by Marin Mincu, debuted in 2004 with the volume Poemextrauterine (Parallel Publishing 45), with a presentation by Angela Marinescu and a preface signed by Octavian Soviany. The book has received several national awards for its debut in poetry. In the 2007 a...